Show me your shoes!


Dear friends and guests,

today we want to take up a topic that has accompanied us for 12 years and which continues to be met with incomprehension. The topic is shoes!

First of all, we want to ask a question: which of you takes off your shoes at home? And why?

We assume that most of you are not at home in your street shoes. Sure: if you look at the street you walk down every day (especially in Berlin) then it becomes clear that you don’t want what you see and walk into on your home carpet. And especially not in bed…

And it’s the same with us too. That’s why street shoes are simply forbidden here! We don’t want anyone to have to be confronted with the remains of their little four-legged friends or other unpleasant substances in an intimate situation. We think you’ll understand it.

We are happy to take on a lot of discussions, give a hygiene course at the entrance 😉 and have no problem if we are rated poorly. We know that most of you understand and like our shoe rule.

And we have possible solutions:
1. We clean shoes with smooth soles – i.e. no tread at all – with disinfectant.
2. You can go barefoot with us without any problems (saves the search for shoes).
3. We rent flip-flops that go into the washing machine and are disinfected after each use.

We believe that you can do it this way. And those who regularly visit us or other clubs that have the same rule usually have shoes that are used exclusively for visiting a club.

Unfortunately, the topic has been present again recently. That’s why we will let guests who we don’t know whether they have suitable shoes show us which ones they would like to wear. We ask for your understanding.

Kind regards from yours
Avarus team